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Bioc2020 sticker
Hosted on GitHub Pages
Theme by orderedlist
When: July 27 - 31, 2020
What: Community/Developer Day, Main Conference
Where: Virtual Conference
Slack: Bioconductor Team (#bioc2020
Twitter: #bioc2020
Join the Bioconductor #bioc2020 and #bioc2020-workshops channels for up-to-date information.
Workshops with preinstalled dependencies can be run locally using Docker.
docker pull <userid/workshop:latest>
will pull the latest image
for a given <workshop>
.docker run -e PASSWORD=<yourpassword> -p 8787:8787 -d --rm
will publish a container’s port 8787 to the host
), run in the detached mode (-d
), and cleanly remove the
container when it is stopped (--rm
password <yourpassword>
.browseVignettes(package = "<workshop>")
. Click on one of the
links, “HTML”, “source”, “R code”.
The requested page was not found
” error, add
to the URL right after the hostname. This is a known
bug.Advanced: Use -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio
argument to map your local
directory to the container. Use -e DISABLE_AUTH=true
, if you want
passwordless login to RStudio. On Windows, you may need to provide your
localhost IP address like
- find it using
docker-machine ip default
in Docker’s terminal.
docker pull waldronlab/publicdataresources:latest
docker run -e PASSWORD=bioconductor -p 8787:8787 -d --rm waldronlab/publicdataresources
# Open http://localhost:8787 and login using rstudio/bioconductor credentials
# Run browseVignettes(package = "PublicDataResources")
# Open http://localhost:8787/help/library/PublicDataResources/doc/PublicDataResources.html
docker ps -a # List all running containers
docker stop <CONTAINER ID> # or, <NAMES> - Stop a container
Workshop packages were created using the BuildABiocWorkshop2020 template.
NOTE. All workshops should include a valid DESCRIPTION
file with the
following fields:
- the GitHub pages URL
- the Docker repository slug in lowercase with
(optional) tag (username/repository:tag