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Genentech Genentech Genentech isb-cgc F1000Research Maze Therapeutics StickerMule

Bioc2020 sticker
Hosted on GitHub Pages
Theme by orderedlist

BioC 2020: Where Software and Biology Connect

When: July 27 - 31, 2020
What: Community/Developer Day, Main Conference
Where: Virtual Conference
Slack: Bioconductor Team (#bioc2020 channel)
Twitter: #bioc2020


Join the Bioconductor #bioc2020 and #bioc2020-workshops channels for up-to-date information.

100 Level Workshops

Workshop Source Docker
Introduction to Bioconductor annotation resources GH Docker
A Tidy Transcriptomics introduction to RNA-Seq analyses GH Docker
Public Data Resources in Bioconductor GH Docker
Annotating inter-sample DNA methylation and ATAC-seq variation with COCOA GH Docker
Human RNA-seq data from recount2 and related packages GH Docker
Cloud-based Genomics using Terra/AnVIL GH Docker
Epidemiology for Bioinformaticians Workshop GH Docker

200 Level Workshops

Workshop Source Docker
Best practices for ATAC-seq QC and data analysis GH Docker
Interactive Visualization of SummarizedExperiment Objects with iSEE GH Docker
Functional enrichment analysis of high-throughput omics data GH Docker
Copy number variation analysis with Bioconductor GH Docker
MultiAssayExperiment and curatedTCGAData Bioconductor 2020 Workshop GH Docker
CRISPRseek and GUIDEseq for designing target-specific gRNAs for the CRISPR genome editing system; Motif analysis with motifStack and dagLogo GH Docker
Integrated ChIP-seq analysis workshop GH Docker
An introduction to matrix factorization and principal component analysis in R GH Docker
A workshop on discovering biomarkers from high through put response screens GH Docker
Importing alevin scRNA-seq counts into R/Bioconductor GH Docker

500 Level Workshops

Workshop Source Docker
Material on how to create and submit a package to Bioconductor GH Docker
Bioconductor toolchain for usage and development of reproducible bioinformatics pipelines in CWL GH Docker
Effectively Using the DelayedArray Framework to Support the Analysis of Large Datasets GH Docker
Detection of Differentially Interacting Chromatin Regions From Multiple Hi-C Datasets GH Docker
Trajectory inference across conditions: differential expression and differential progression GH Docker
Efficient, Scalable, and Reproducible Enrichment Workflows GH Docker

Workshops with preinstalled dependencies can be run locally using Docker.

Advanced: Use -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio argument to map your local directory to the container. Use -e DISABLE_AUTH=true, if you want passwordless login to RStudio. On Windows, you may need to provide your localhost IP address like - find it using docker-machine ip default in Docker’s terminal.


docker pull waldronlab/publicdataresources:latest
docker run -e PASSWORD=bioconductor -p 8787:8787 -d --rm waldronlab/publicdataresources
# Open http://localhost:8787 and login using rstudio/bioconductor credentials
# Run browseVignettes(package = "PublicDataResources")
# Open http://localhost:8787/help/library/PublicDataResources/doc/PublicDataResources.html
docker ps -a # List all running containers
docker stop <CONTAINER ID> # or, <NAMES> - Stop a container

Workshop packages were created using the BuildABiocWorkshop2020 template.

NOTE. All workshops should include a valid DESCRIPTION file with the following fields: